Intuition is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals, but it’s often hard to know what your intuition is telling you. This article will teach you how to listen to and follow your intuition.
Intuition is a powerful tool that can be used to help guide us in our lives. However, it can be difficult to listen to and follow your intuition when you’re in a relationship. This article will show you how to learn to listen to and follow your intuition with the guidance of your partner.
Do you recall the first time you had a strong intuition about something? Most likely not. It’s a natural-in-the-sense-that-you-don’t-always-acknowledge-it occurrence; a this-is-just-how-it’s-supposed-to-be aspect of life that we’ve all encountered time and time again.
So here’s a simpler one: When was the last time you got a gut feeling about something? I’m sure you can come up with 10 examples in the last few days if you think about it. “Take the next exit,” says the narrator. “Call mom,” I say. “Please don’t eat the leftovers.”

Perhaps you’ve experienced anything similar to this:
- You feel compelled to change the radio station, and as soon as you do, your grandfather’s favorite song begins to play. You’ve been longing for him.
- Something tells you that you should quit your work. You like your job, yet something within you tells you it’s time to move on. The business closes down three months later.
- You decide not to go to the shop after all after considerable consideration. Later, you notice on the news that traffic was bad.
- Picking up the phone, you feel compelled to contact an old acquaintance, only to discover that they had been thinking about you as well.
- You come across an article on intuition and decide to give it a try. You’ve arrived, so you must know your way around at least a little.
Despite what the title of this article implies, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning to listen to your intuition. It has already become a part of you! You can only open your way to an inherent knowingness. As for “following it,” that’s a decision you’ll have to make. You may take or leave the information once you get it.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning to listen to your intuition, but there are a few things you can do to improve your listening skills. The small things are essential, even if going into your gut emotions doesn’t always lead to a major discovery. It all adds up.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning to listen to your intuition, but there are a few things you can do to improve your listening skills. The small things are essential, even if going into your gut emotions doesn’t always lead to a major discovery. It all adds up.
“Intuition is a kind of unconscious intelligence that is equally important as conscious intelligence,” says psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer. People can—and do—sift through massive quantities of facts before deciding to trust their gut. “When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense,” writes Kahlil Gibran, maybe more poetically.
Here’s some information for you. If you will, consider it a toolbox for developing intuition. The “what you should know” that will hopefully get you closer to the “what you should sense” in the start.
Take what appeals to you. Leave the rest to chance. You (yes, you!) are the greatest judge of what is best.
When it comes to reading, watching, and consuming in general…

Enjoy it if it makes you happy. Don’t do anything if it makes you feel terrible. I know, it’s easier said than done, but as addictive as true crime podcasts may be, there’s a reason you’re feeling awful after a binge.
Put an end to the hate-following once and for all. Once you’ve figured out what you need to know, click away from the news. Ignorance isn’t the objective, and neither is overstressing. Find a happy balance and listen to your intuition when it says enough is enough.
Read tales that make you think. Investigate the odd themes and questions that come to mind. Pay attention to the words when listening to music. Is it too broad? I understand. That’s the difficult part of getting to know oneself the best. To get you started, here’s a more specialized reading list.
Consult someone else, *gasp*
In my time, I’ve visited a number of psychics, past-life regressionists, mediums, tarot readers, reiki teachers, and divinationists. It’s my self-care splurge, and if I can talk to my dead grandmother instead of getting a haircut and color, I’ll skip it.
The problem is that much of what I hear is information that I already have. This is a wonderful (though sometimes pricey) affirmation opportunity. If you haven’t been totally lying to yourself (no worries—we’ve all done it), you’ll appreciate the boost in confidence that comes with knowing. Just make sure you don’t fall into the trap of depending entirely on others to give you what you need to know. Have faith in yourself!
Make use of a physical tool
Having a tangible item to work with may sometimes help you center yourself and get into the right frame of mind for some very nonphysical tasks. If you wish to work with stones, Ashlyn Cahill, an intuitive and crystal specialist, suggests apophyllite, labradorite, and sodalite. These stones may be used to meditate with, to hold firmly while performing magical thinking, or just to serve as a lovely physical reminder to gaze within.
With a pendulum in hand, you may pose a question and get a yes or no response based on which way the weight sways. When the answer comes, you’ll know how you feel; that emotion is the real reaction you need. If you’re interested in learning more, here’s a good place to start.
Sophie Vilensky took the photo.
Tarot and oracle decks may also aid in the decoding of circumstances and the mapping out of possible choices. When I need to trust my instincts, I usually get a card that says precisely that. It’s vexing yet reassuring, and nearly usually confirms what I already knew.
Some of my favorite decks can be found here and here, but a classic is always a safe bet. While most decks come with some kind of guidebook to assist you comprehend your draws, I suggest Jessa Crispin’s The Creative Tarot for all your interpretations—each card is linked with a few works of physical, musical, or architectural art to help you better grasp its message.
Free instructions to each card may be found on websites like Biddy Tarot and are just a Google search away. Make a basic three-card spread with the words “mind, body, and spirit” or “past, present, and future.” Look up the meanings of the cards and apply, apply, apply!
(An aside: it’s long been said that you’ll be given your first tarot deck.) If it comes down to it, I believe there’s nothing wrong with buying yourself a gift.)
Make a one-on-one appointment with yourself—mind and soul
Nothing will assist you more than paying attention to your bodily and emotional condition at the end. Turn off everything else. Respect your opinions. Recognize the butterflies in your stomach as well as the pains in your back… You’ll understand what I’m saying. You’ve gotten the message, haven’t you? Keep your eyes peeled.
The greatest advise I can offer is to focus on the point, the thesis. Nothing will assist you more than paying attention to your bodily and emotional condition at the end. Turn off everything else. Respect your opinions. Depending on the day, acknowledge both butterflies and stomach pains.
Perhaps writing, meditation, a nature walk, or counseling would help. Immediate post-cry lucidity or a recurring dream you’ve never given much attention to.
You’ll understand what I’m saying. You’ve gotten the message, haven’t you? Keep your eyes peeled. The rest will fall into place if you follow your own directions.
Your intuition is your inner wisdom. It’s the voice in your head that tells you what to do, how to act, and when something isn’t right. Trusting your intuition can make all the difference in the world. Reference: trusting your intuition spirituality.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I learn to listen to my intuition?
This is a difficult question to answer. I am not sure how you would learn to listen to your intuition, but it is important that you are aware of the signals your body sends you so that you can act on them.
How can I improve my intuition?
The best way to improve your intuition is to practice it. There are many ways to do this, but one of the simplest is by reading books on subjects youre interested in.
How do I know if Im listening to my intuition?
Your intuition is your spirits voice. It speaks to you in a way that feels right and true to you, but it may not make sense to others around you.