Home Beauty How Long Does A Blepharoplasty Last 2024 Guide

How Long Does A Blepharoplasty Last 2024 Guide

Source: theaestheticcenter.net

If you’re looking for a long lasting solution to your droopy eyelids, blepharoplasty might be the answer. But how long does the procedure last? We’ve got all the answers for you in this 2024 guide on blepharoplasty so read on and you’ll have those lifted lids for years to come!

Benefits of Blepharoplasty

Source: antalyacheck-up.com

Blepharoplasty is an eyelid procedure designed to reduce excess skin and fat in the upper and lower eyelids. It is often used to create a more youthful, refreshed appearance.

If you are looking for a professional to do this procedure, then you should definitely check out blepharoplasty London. This procedure can have numerous benefits that go beyond simply improving the look of the eyes. Some of these benefits include:

  • Reduction of wrinkles: It helps to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines on the forehead, around the eyes, and on the bridge of the nose.
  • Improved vision: As people age, extra fatty deposits can form around the eyes, sometimes affecting peripheral vision. It helps to remove some of this excess fat, restoring clear peripheral vision.
  • Youthful appearance: By removing excess skin from around the eyes, blepharoplasty can give patients a more youthful-looking face.
  • Reduce puffiness and dark circles: Puffiness in the eyes or dark under-eye circles can often be treated with it during surgery.
  • Another benefit that offers is long-lasting results; when performed correctly by a qualified surgeon using advanced techniques, it is expected to last for about 10 years or more before a touch-up will be necessary.

How Long does Blepharoplasty Last?

Source: drkeithladner.com

Commonly referred to as an eye lift or an eye job, blepharoplasty can be done in combination with other facial procedures such as a brow lift or rhinoplasty. The goal of this surgery is to reduce loose skin around the eye area that can create a tired, aged look.

Typically, the procedure takes between 30 and 90 minutes to complete depending on the extent of work needed. Results can last for 5 to 7 years; however, it’s important to understand that the effects may be temporary as aging continues and lifestyle changes occur.

Your individual experience may vary depending on factors such as age and genetics, so it’s best to consult with your doctor before deciding if this procedure is right for you.

To ensure long-term results from a blepharoplasty, good habits such as wearing sunscreen and maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be kept up post-surgery in order to preserve your refreshed look for years to come.

Additionally, continue having regular follow up visits with your plastic surgeon so that any changes in your eyes can be easily monitored over time.

Recovery Time

Source: mackinawsurgerycenter.com

Recovering from a blepharoplasty typically takes at least two weeks. During the first 24 to 48 hours following surgery, it is common to experience some bruising, swelling and irritation around the eyes.

Your surgeon may recommend using cool compresses and/or topical ointments to reduce swelling and discomfort. Oral medications may be prescribed to relieve any pain or discomfort.

In the first week following surgery, it is important to avoid activities that involve strenuous eye movements, such as reading or using computers. Patients should also sleep with their head elevated during this time period in order to minimize swelling.

Avoiding strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting is also recommended during this time period in order for your incisions to heal properly.

After two weeks of recovery, most patients are able to resume normal routines such as work and exercise, although you should follow your doctor’s instructions carefully regarding any activity restrictions that may still be in effect.

It is important not to rush into physical activities, however; as this can increase risk of infection or other complications post-surgery while your incisions are healing.

It is recommended that patients continue applying ointments or compresses, as advised by their doctor, until all signs of bruising have faded away, usually after four weeks of recovery time. Patients should also wear protective glasses when out in direct sunlight for the full recovery period following a blepharoplasty procedure for optimal safety and healing results.

Cost of Blepharoplasty

Source: specialtyaestheticsurgery.com

The cost varies greatly depending on the complexity of the procedure and the experience level of your surgeon, among other factors. On average, a lower eyelid surgery costs around $2,500 to $6,000. Upper eyelid surgery costs between $2,200 and $6,400 per eyelid. However note that this does not include additional fees for anesthesia, hospital facilities or other related services.

Your plastic surgeon’s fee will also depend on his or her experience as well as geographic region. Make sure to research any surgeon you consider for accuracy and reliability as well as results before deciding to proceed with any decision involving this delicate area of your face.

Your eye surgeon may recommend combining an upper and lower blepharoplasty procedure to achieve an optimal outcome. Combining both treatments requires general anesthesia rather than local anesthesia which in turn will affect the overall cost of treatment.

Preparing for Blepharoplasty

Source: heartoftexaseye.com

Though the results will depend on individual factors like skin type, lifestyle, and medical history, blepharoplasty can frequently last for five years or more with proper care.

Prospective patients should be aware of potential complications associated with blepharoplasty and discuss them thoroughly with their surgeon before consenting. Additionally, it’s important to take time to select a qualified surgeon and have realistic expectations moving forward.

Before you undergo blepharoplasty surgery, you should speak with your doctor about pre-operative instructions that you should follow for optimal results. These instructions may include:

  • Avoiding medication that could thin your blood or interfere with anesthesia.
  • Avoiding alcoholic beverages 24 hours prior to your operation.
  • Not eating solid foods at least six hours before your scheduled surgery time.
  • Quitting smoking at least two weeks before surgery date.
  • Avoiding some dietary supplements like Vitamin E due to blood thinning effects.
  • Not wearing contact lenses during the recovery process period.
  • Not engaging in strenuous activities as these could affect your outcome negatively as well complicate the healing up process.


The results of a blepharoplasty can be long-lasting, but it’s important to remember that you’ll still need to take proper care of your eyes after the surgery. Additionally, depending on how active and healthy you are, lifestyle factors such as sun exposure and skin aging can affect the results over time.

For most people, however, the effects of blepharoplasty should last for many years with regular maintenance visits from an eye doctor or plastic surgeon. With these tips in mind, we hope our guide has helped you understand more about what to expect when considering this type of procedure.