Home Health Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Dizzy

Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Dizzy

Source: mirror.co.uk

According to research, many adults are affected by dizziness, with the largest population falling at 65 years and older. Dizziness can impact your quality of life by affecting your ability to walk, work, drive, read, and do other activities in your everyday life. The first solution to solving a problem is knowing its origin. Therefore, if you have a dizziness problem, it is best to understand its causes to know the best ways to treat it. Here are the most common causes of dizziness.

1. Migraines

There are different ways that migraines present themselves, and dizziness is at the top of the list. Your headaches are more than mere headaches if they are accompanied by dizziness. Therefore, it will be essential to see your primary caregiver to check for an underlying issue. A neurologist will evaluate you to see if the dizziness is due to migraines.

2. Anxiety

You can also feel dizzy if you have anxiety. Anxiety comes with other physical symptoms, but before it is ruled out as the cause of dizziness, the healthcare provider will evaluate you to ensure there are no other causes. The doctor looks at other symptoms and may ask you about how you sleep, what you eat, etc. they can then incorporate medications with psychotherapy to treat anxiety.

3. Dehydration

Source: prevention.com

It is no surprise that dehydration also causes dizziness. Most people don’t realize they are dehydrated until it is too late. Drinking adequate water is vital to keep your body well-hydrated. A better option can be at home IV treatment to ensure your body has enough water. If your urine is dark or you have dry skin, these are symptoms of dehydration.

4. Autoimmune Disorders

Disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, etc., can also cause dizziness. Therefore, your doctor will collaborate with other specialists to know the origin of your dizziness and find the proper treatment for you.

5. Side Effects from Medication

Sometimes you may feel dizzy after taking certain medications. In most cases, it happens when you change your medication. Some side effects of certain medications include dizziness, which can be severe. It mostly happens when you change to another drug or adjust the dosage.

6. Ear Infection

Source: bassmedicalgroup.com

Dizziness can also happen due to ear infections that cause abnormalities. For example, a tumor or conditions like labyrinthitis ad bacterial infections can cause inner ear inflammation. You need to get treated for these conditions, especially if the dizziness is severe. Go to your healthcare provider for evaluation.

7. Head Injuries

If you have a concussion or head injury, you may feel dizzy. It is vital to get an evaluation to ensure no severe complications. You will get the right treatment to help eliminate dizziness with proper evaluation. So, if you have had a head injury, it is one of the primary reasons you feel dizzy.


These are the leading causes of dizziness. We recommend seeking emergency care if you are experiencing weakness, confusion, vision problems, or difficulty speaking. Otherwise, get your doctor’s evaluation to know the bottom of it and get the proper treatment.