It’s 5am and you’re not sure what to do with your day. You might be tempted to reach for the phone, but instead, try these five simple things that will help you feel more alive in the morning.
The 5 a.m. club worksheets pdf is a book that includes 5 different worksheets to help you get your day started right.
There hasn’t been a single article on how to wake up before the sun rises that hasn’t had me roll my eyes. I’ve been sleep-deprived for the last three years, so the thought of someone choosing to skip sleep in order to spend more time alone makes my anger boil.
Then my children grew up, and I realized that you WILL sleep again. And if you desire alone time, you must first locate it and then preserve it.
Join the 5 a.m. club. It’s possible you’ve heard of it. Perhaps by someone brazenly sharing their new wake-up time with the hashtag associated with it over a plate of homemade breakfast. The group promises to offer “life-changing advantages in all aspects of your life—productivity, health, attention, and happiness,” but it is “not for everyone.”
Here’s what the book’s website says about it:
“In this age of overwhelming complexity, legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5 AM Club concept more than two decades ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health, and bulletproof their serenity.
Now, in this life-changing book, handmade by the author over a four-year period, you’ll learn the early-rising habit that’s helped so many people achieve spectacular achievements while improving their happiness, helpfulness, and emotions of aliveness.”
Consider me dubious
I do, however, have an issue. I have a limited amount of time, energy, and a great deal of responsibilities. Not to mention a strong desire to produce something that requires time, energy, leaps of faith, and unwavering concentration. When you consider the expense of sitting on the sidelines waiting for the ideal answer to appear, it’s hard to be a skeptic.
The 5 AM Club is a collection of activities ostensibly designed to improve three aspects of your internal life: physical health, mental health, and emotional health. They recommend beginning your day with 20 minutes of vigorous exercise (anything that makes you sweat), 20 minutes of writing, and 20 minutes of reading.
These three main areas of wellbeing (physical health, emotional health, and mental health) are crucial in recognizing the source of your internal problems, determining your “why,” and determining your life’s purpose, in my opinion.
The prospect of devoting time to modest acts that preserve and enhance the basis of what I know I need to feel happy seemed compelling enough to give it a go. After all, a little exercise, some reading, and some quiet alone time seemed like the perfect combination. Who was I to pass judgment?
So, like a moth to the light, I attempted to join the club for a week, despite my dread of being judged by no one but myself for being one of those irritating 5 a.m. individuals.
Warning: I was transformed into one

But it wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies, and I’m not going to sugarcoat the agony and suffering that came with transitioning from a night owl to a morning person.
Moving ahead despite the risk of failure requires not just mental toughness but also complete self-reliance. On a commitment made only to you. You soon realize how often you are lying, cheating, or abandoning no one but yourself.
Instead of accepting failure as an option when we know something will be difficult, we reject the notion of attempting out of fear of falling short, of failing at something we already know would be difficult. Moving ahead despite the risk of failure requires not just mental toughness but also complete self-reliance. On a commitment made only to you. You soon realize how often you are lying, cheating, or abandoning no one but yourself.
This is why individuals are hesitant to make commitments to themselves. It’s difficult to maintain them.
This is how my week of experimenting with The 5 AM Club went:
Day One
I’m all JAZZED up! I’m all for it. It’s the start of a new era for me. What am I going to do with all this free time? Is it possible to bake bread? Write a book for me? How can you become a seasoned yogi? I’m curious to see what mental breakthroughs my early morning walks will bring. I’m looking forward to basking in the beauty of some peaceful alone time.
I sit in the kitchen, sipping water and coffee. I put on my shoes and prepare Winnie for her walk. The roar of thunder greets us as we walk outdoors. The walk is rescheduled.
Until around 8:45 a.m., I’m in excellent shape. At work, I take a sleep on the sofa but manage to go through the remainder of the day without difficulty. Bedtime is set at 8:30 p.m., as recommended. But…WTF. I just put my kids to bed, and now I’m done for the day? When do you do the laundry, the dishes, or the cleaning? I’m beginning to get worried.
Day Two
That was a painful experience. At 8:30 p.m., I went to bed and gazed at the ceiling until 11:00 p.m. What a waste of time! I did got out of bed (after pressing the snooze button, which is a huge no-no in The 5 AM Club). After sipping water and hating myself for taking on this task, I managed to squeeze in some yoga and a meditation, during which I immediately slept off. What is the sound of my alarm clock? My kid was seated on my chest, inquiring as to why I was making strange sounds on the floor.
Today, I get a little more done on my to-do list and feel a little more at ease. I believe it’s because I was able to spend some time alone with my thoughts before having to attend to everyone else’s needs.
Day Three
Everything irritates me. Nonetheless, I rise. I’m grumpy and, not once, but twice, fall asleep on the sofa at work. I have my doubts about this procedure. I’m not sure whether it’ll ever get any easier.
Day Four
I went to bed at a decent time! It’s 9:00 p.m.! This is the first time this week that I’ve gotten more than 6 hours of sleep.
At 4:55 a.m., I drag myself out of bed and go for a one-hour walk with Winnie. When the writing time is enjoyable, I continue to struggle with falling asleep while meditating. Also, I can’t seem to locate my keys.
After one hour… I find the keys. I stuffed them into a bowl and placed it on a random shelf in our living room. Maybe the whole thing was a blunder. Is it possible to take on too much at once? In every area of my life, I seem to be regressing, and I am definitely not smarter or more focused!
Day Five
It is becoming less difficult. I awoke BEFORE my alarm this morning. I felt fantastic. I soon found my stride. Throughout all of my encounters, I maintained mental clarity. I produced excellent results with little effort. I was focused and in the zone.
Then it was 3:00 p.m., and I felt like I needed a Big Mac and a sleep in order to be a decent parent. I honestly have no recollection of the last half hour leading up to bedtime, and I was so tired that I fell asleep rocking Bennett at 7:30 p.m. I went into bed without doing my evening routine, which I had worked so hard to establish over the years.
Day Six
It’s Saturday morning, and I’m up at 6:00 a.m. Yes, I broke the cycle and slept for a little longer than usual, given that I didn’t get to bed until 10:30 p.m. I go for a walk with Winnie and stop to admire the pink and blue sunrise. Knowing I have this time to myself and my thoughts gives me a peaceful serenity in my heart. Having set aside time to be myself, the new me, makes all of my hopes for the future seem more real. It’s almost as if there’s a way to make it work.
Day Seven
The day of reckoning has arrived. I feel a rush of dopamine and a sense of accomplishment when I wake up knowing I’ve reached my goal. I work out and dash out the door to get Joe and myself some coffee. As my family sleeps peacefully into the morning, I reflect on how far I’ve come since that morning four days ago, when making this decision seemed like the most unnatural thing I could possibly do as a human. I decide to commit to The 5 AM Club for a month, but only during the week.
I’ve been in The 5 AM Club for 42 days, and I’m a proud weekend slacker. The procedure may be difficult. Even on weekends, I still do something for my body, mind, and spirit every morning (thank you, naptime). The lack of mental clarity that comes with waking up so early AND dealing with social events that tend to creep into our schedule still exists.
I’m still working on saying no to a night out with friends or the kids’ requests to go on a play date. While I’m not quite tough enough to join the real 5 AM Club, the benefits outweigh the inconvenience. Getting up early is a commitment I make to myself and no one else, proof that I can practice a type of self-care that involves reclaiming the power you often give to others.
It’s no longer a source of discomfort. Even if I didn’t have the BEST DAY EVER with #maximumproductivity, I go to bed feeling accomplished. Getting up early is a promise I make to myself and no one else, evidence that I can practice a kind of self-care that involves reclaiming the authority you frequently give to others. It’s a great feeling to know that you did everything you could to be a better version of yourself at the end of the day.
What I learned through this process, and what I hope you consider, is that doing difficult things—things that are both emotionally and physically taxing—can lead to substantial change, provided you have the stomach for it.
The 5 am club summary is a blog by Kate that discusses how she has been able to design her life so that it is well-lived. It gives advice on how to live a fulfilling life, and includes a list of the things that people should do every day. Reference: the 5 am club summary.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the 5am club concept?
The 5am club is a place where people who are awake at 5 am can go to discuss the latest happenings in their lives.
Is the 5am club based on a true story?
I am not able to answer this question.
What is the 5am rule?
The 5am rule is a term used in the online multiplayer game League of Legends. It refers to a time where players are allowed to change their champion, so long as they do it between 5am and 6am server time.
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