Home Women 20 Care Package Ideas Sure to Make Someone’s Day |

20 Care Package Ideas Sure to Make Someone’s Day |

Women often struggle to find the perfect gift for their loved ones. Whether it’s a birthday, Mother’s Day, or just because, these 20 ideas are sure to make someone’s day.

A lockdown care package ideas is a great way to show someone you care. These 20 Care Package Ideas Sure to Make Someone’s Day are perfect for any occasion.

There’s something about the year 2024 that makes you want for a feeling of…something. Something isn’t quite right. Perhaps it’s a lack of connection—someone or something to fill the gap. Perhaps it’s alone time—space to simply be, away from yourself, your kids, your dog, and the continuous gogogo that is life with a family sandwiched between four gradually approaching walls. Maybe it’s the feeling of yearning for the wonderful things that are still to come: trips and gatherings, as well as the whirlwind of emotions that come with them.

Whatever that something is, we continue to look for it. We keep going because it’s what we’re supposed to be doing. Even though things continue to seem odd at times, we discover new pleasures in the new normals and keep moving ahead.

I’ve just discovered that some of the greatest moments in life are ones that take you off guard (in the good way). They’re unexpected bursts of happiness that jolt you out of your routine and the minutiae, shifting your situation for a little moment. Small but significant symbols of your affection…care packages, if you will…are one way to do that for the people you care about.

Care packages come in a variety of forms and sizes, and there are no specific requirements for what they must resemble. They don’t have to be grand or costly; they’re just a brief reminder that you care about the other person, that you’re thinking of them, and that they have a friend.

Care packages come in a variety of forms and sizes, and there are no specific requirements for what they must resemble. They don’t have to be grand or costly; they’re just a brief reminder that you care about the other person, that you’re thinking of them, and that they have a friend.

Whether the recipient is someone who needs a pick-me-up, someone who is homeschooling their kids while working full-time andandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandand

These are just a handful of the many thoughtful gift ideas that may brighten the lives of the people you care about the next time you’re in the mood to improve someone’s day (and why not do it this week??). Choose one of the suggestions below, then go out and share some pleasure. I believe we could all benefit from a little more of that right now.

1. Make a floral delivery to a buddy. Pick up a bundle for someone you know who would enjoy them the next time you’re at the grocery store or farmers’ market, and drop them off on your way home. It’s that simple. (Hint: If and when the subject of flowers comes up in conversation, make it a habit to write down your friend’s favorite blossoms in the notes app on your phone (or…wherever). It’ll be a handy little tool to have on hand in the future! And, to be honest, this advice applies to most presents!)

2….OR order a plant to be delivered. Bloomscape and its extensive plant selection have long been favorites of ours. I’ve given two of these as presents in the last few months and would highly suggest them!

3. Make them a bracelet from scratch. If you grew up in the 1990s (hello, nice to meet you), you know that all you really needed for a fun afternoon was a bunch of colorful string, maybe a few strategically placed beads, a bit of tape, a pair of scissors, and that sweet, sweet friendship-bracelet-making knowledge that youths seem to pick up so quickly. I’ve lately seen more than one person I follow on Instagram make a handmade bracelet, and the idea remains intriguing (to me, and maybe to you as well??).

Friendship ring is also an amazing idea if you are interested in these and similar things. This is something which is vintage and at the same time brilliant gift.

4. Cook a dinner for someone! If the cookware aisles at Target are any indication (does anybody know what I’m talking about?? ), most of us have been cooking at home more than usual recently. Take on the responsibility of preparing yet another dinner for someone you care about. Drop it off at their door, and they’ll have a ready-to-eat evening dinner to make their lives simpler.

5….Or assemble a gift with their favorite munchies.

6….OR order takeaway from their favorite restaurant. (Obviously, I’m thinking of food, and you can’t go wrong with any of these choices.)

7. Give the gift of your presence to them. If you have the time, contact a buddy to schedule a meeting, bring a few beverages, individually packed food, and a blanket or two, and meet them outdoors at a park. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt throughout the last two months, it’s the importance of human connection. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that just because someone isn’t reaching out doesn’t mean they don’t want to see you (in fact, it’s often the case that they’re the ones who need it the most).

8. Sign them up for a Headspace membership. Do you know someone who might benefit from a mental health day? (Or a few minutes every day to assist their mental health?) Give them Headspace as a present. I’ve had the app for years, and although I’m not always great about using it on a daily basis, when I do, I see a significant difference in how quickly I’m able to process stresses and let them go.

9. Assemble a self-care package. I know, I know…all it’s about self-care. It’s an overused notion, often touted as an instant and ideal cure for whatever ails you. But there’s a reason people keep saying it: taking care of ourselves is essential (like…really important), and it can make a genuine difference, even if it’s not always obvious or pleasant. Include a face mask, candle, or bath bomb, or whatever you think they’d like the best. It’s the ideal present for anybody who needs to unwind (and don’t we all?).

10. Deliver a supermarket shopping bag. Eggs, milk, vegetables, apples, and yogurt are just a few of the staples that most of us prefer to have on hand (personalized for your giftee, of course). This is a fantastic gift to give to anybody who is short on time or doesn’t feel comfortable stepping out in public at the moment.

11. Bring wine for them. Why not throw in some cheese for good measure? Perhaps some chocolate as well? (I’m not sure, but this is your care package… You are free to do anything you choose.)

12….Or, if craft beer is more their speed, bring it to them. And don’t forget the beer munchies! Whatever your favorite beer nibbles are! Pretzels? Chips? Dips to accompany the chips? That seems to be the case.

13….OR give them the ingredients to create their favorite drink at home, along with a recipe card.

14. Deliver their favorite coffee order to their house on a weekday morning (maybe text beforehand to make sure they’re wearing trousers and such).

Drop over some especially eye-pleasing office supplies—post-its, notepads, a variety of colored pens, the list goes on—for anybody working from home right now. While this concept may seem mundane at first look, I know very few individuals who have completely equipped home offices. A new stack of pastel post-its for doing, producing, and planning is something we can all enjoy (but mostly scheming).

16. You may purchase a care package from local small company Minny & Paul if you want to pay someone else to do the job for you. This Sweet box, which includes a small selection of local delicacies, looks fantastic.

17. Give a book package that includes a couple of novels from their preferred genre. On Bookshop, we suggest checking out the newest Twin Cities bookshop, Black Garnet Books, for your local reading.

18. Create a handwritten card with a few treasured memories printed on it. This is the package for sentimental types (raises hand), and it’ll make anybody smile (as long as nice pictures of them are included…please don’t be that buddy). While digital photographs are handy, it’s occasionally great to have a real snapshot to keep in your house as a tactile memory.

19. Bake them their favorite dessert as a post-dinner or mid-afternoon snack (…or as a delicious breakfast substitute, or as supper itself, since the world is their oyster and that’s completely OK).

20. Send them a gift with things that will keep them occupied the old-fashioned manner. We’re dealing with a conundrum here. We’re talking about a crossword puzzle book. We’re talking about a deck of cards or a traditional board game here. Because it’s occasionally beneficial to put our phones and Netflix accounts aside and go back to fundamentals.

Have you recently given (or received) any care packages? What were the highlights of the show? How did it feel to offer or receive them? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Care packages are a great way to show someone you care, but they can also be an easy gift for yourself. Here are 20 care package ideas sure to make someone’s day! Reference: care package for friend.

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